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He/Him, 2019 Grant Recipient
"In addition to my day job I am a gay freelance illustrator interested in fashion and cute video game characters getting ice cream together; I grew up in Albuquerque, New Mexico but went to school at DU and have been living in Denver, Colorado for about 7 years now. I have a 13-year-old cat named Cedric who is the light of my life, and whenever I manage to get some time to spare I like to play tabletop games with my friends and watch strange old animated films. Currently I'm loving the IDW Sonic comic and would love to draw a cover for them someday, in addition to illustrating either of my two favorite books, The Lord of the Rings or The Last Unicorn; and my favorite color is either magenta or champagne gold, I simply can never decide." - Ryan
Amount Awarded - $2,000