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She/Her, 2020 Grant Recipient

My names Madison Freeman. I am a transgender woman. My interests include rock climbing and the outdoors. I love visiting the ocean. My favorite part is when it rains and getting to see that amazing pink sky the sunrise gives off. I’ve been open to my partner for about two years and have slowly been socially transitioning for the last year. I am working towards physically transitioning and am feeling enthusiastic to finally embrace my true identity. Once I transition, I hope my story can help others who are working towards the same goal of being the happiest version of themselves they can possibly be. With Love, Madi




Thank you so much, Genderbands! You have no idea how much your organization and your mission means to me. I am so grateful that I was able to get this help. I truly from the bottom of my heart am so grateful. Thank you so so much. ❤️ You have literally made it a possibility for me to take a major necessary step into my transition. I really want you and the whole organization to know I love you guys and am so thankful for this opportunity you have given me.

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